4:01 p.m. | 2003-02-25

No! And yea! And sort of!

Since when have there ever actually been any communist states? Who said anything..I..(looks ocnfused...see?)

Severe punishments..like castrating folk is for one far too risky, methinks, when one consideres the level of miscarriages of justice that pass.. erm, and more to the point; that's no good at all. Scaring people into behaving isn't very progressive really, is it? They're still going to be little reprobates, just somewhat impotent with it. It wouldn't last anyway, far too open to misuse, and eventual corruption. Governments can't be trusted, all heads of state must die (or y'know, step down), states of millions should make way for millions of states, this is all the fault of republicanism..and jesus! carn's right, democracy's shite! (catchy, eh?)

Monarchy while we make a gradual change over to a planet full of ..hillforts and such villages. There's two millenia of Christianity to negate, you there! Fetch an axe and set to the palisades!

Me again.

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.