6:26 p.m. | Wednesday, Mar. 05, 2003

just stuff mostly, though the wheelchair thing is a bit exciting

So I got my new wheelchair today. It�s pretty cool, though it will take some getting used to. Just some fine-tuning of things might be needed eventually. I�ve been sniffed thoroughly by Darwin, I�m not sure Salinger has realized things are too much different yet. He did purr at me when I finally came downstairs. I think he was miffed I left the house two days in a row.

I got my Pay Pal debit card in the mail today, so now I have a way to access the money that people have donated. There still isn't enough for a light therapy lamp, soooo click the button at the bottom of the page please. People saying they need money to pay off credit card debit, wanting to buy a new car and scams of pity have gotten tons of money from people. Maybe I need better advertising.

The book I�m reading by John Irving has gone from lighthearted to downright depressing. I wish they would warn people before they did that. I hope the mood of the book goes up before it ends, it seems a bad way to end a book, on a depressing note. It's called The Hotel New Hampshire in case you are interested.

Thanks to all the people who signed my guest book about the suicide thing. I don't really want to die, I just want to go to sleep and wake up when things are better sometimes. I think about it when I take some of the myriad of pills that I take during the day that a bottle of this would put me right out, but I don't think I�d ever really do it. Maybe it's a nice option to have around.

As for the proxy/tissue paper person, you know what, I don't know who you are but I couldn't give a rat's ass. I had an idle curiosity but now I�m over it. Go get a new hobby.

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.