6:32 p.m. | Friday, Mar. 28, 2003

a short update on yesterday

Yesterday the volunteer came over. I forgot that she spends her time out of university in another city. It�s where she's from and where her family and boyfriend live. She leaves at the end of April and doesn't come back until September. I wonder if that means I get a different volunteer for the summer or if I get the one I had before back. I suppose it's one way to meet more people. It just takes a long time for me to get to know them and then they are gone.

I also got the Sims reinstalled yesterday, again. This time I only loaded in a couple of families and one house that I had from before. None of them have any friends and I feel almost like I�m starting over again. I did miss the game a lot though and I�m itching to play it.

In reading diaries today, one that I read regularly took a strange turn from the normal writing and talked about dreams. It reminded me how strange my dreams tend to be and also how vivid they usually are. I think I might do a whole entry on dreams soon. Right now I think I might run off to play the Sims.

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.