8:16 p.m. | Thursday, Apr. 03, 2003

yeah, well fuck you too

I had to turn off the TV because it got annoying to the point where I was ready to commit homicide. It didn't even matter who it was, even if it was myself (though that would be suicide) because I was getting so frustrated and angry. Who are these inane people that make this crap on television, especially the commercials, that has no relevance to my life and think that I'm going to sit here and watch it. I know it's not personal but at that moment it felt like it was.

Now I'm listening to music through earphones at an almost painful level to drown out the rest of the world. It's the only thing, short of drugs, that would be calming right now. If I was home alone I might sing at the top of my lungs as well.

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.