4:15 p.m. | Thursday, May. 22, 2003

Today's headline "Woman runs over cat with electric wheelchair, feels like an idiot"

I had a dog for twelve years, but she died almost 3 years ago now (I can't believe it's been that long). Anyway, there is now a Rate My Puppy site, so I had to put a picture up of my sweet little puppy. Go here to rate her. I personally think that people have under-rated her so far.

I started reading Prozac Nation this morning (afternoon but I was still in bed) and realized after reading the prologue that I was going to need a dictionary for this book. There were six words that i didn't know the meaning of in said prologue. I felt like a dofus.

I told my mom about the money donated so far and she was pleasantly stunned. I hardly ever get to do that to her and I figured the day she is getting another migraine would be a good day to do it. We were talking about the fact that I needed socks and underwear. She said, "Do you have any money?" and I said, "No, do you?" You had to be there really to see the humor of being unable to afford socks and panties. Especially since I spent some money on clothes but now am running out of things to go under them. Foundation garments come first is my new motto. Well, not really, but you get what I mean. Anyway, so I told her people had given me money towards things like the L-Alanine and she was all stunned and happy and I felt all proud of myself and the people who donated. You made my mom be happy/stunned, yahoo!

Yesterday I almost killed my cat. He was sitting under my wheelchair, but I didn't realize it and I started to move forward. He shot out from under the chair like he had been electrocuted and ran under the bed. I had stopped abruptly and felt like a total asshole. Mom came in and fished the poor guy out from my bedside table (he likes to hide in there) and we both comforted him for a while. When I saw the amount of hair that was pulled out of his tail I felt like a bigger asshole. He didn't yowl when it happened so I'm saved that guilt thankfully. I just hope this doesn't make him afraid of the wheelchair.

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.