2:13 p.m. | Tuesday, May. 27, 2003


I joined up on the committee of Diaryland Birthdays. Basically the job is to go around wishing people a happy birthday if they have it posted up. It's rather cool, I think I would really like it if a bunch of people came and wished me a happy birthday even though they were strangers. Anyway, you should go stick up your birthday so you can get your guestbook signed too.

I don't have much else to say. I'm still fairly bored lately and I�m not sure what to do with myself. Morrison was over last night for the first time in over two weeks so that was good. It seemed like he was here for only seconds and then poof, gone. He tends to wake up hours before I do though and then he gets me out of bed and goes home. I wonder what it's like puttering around my house while I�m asleep. I hope he doesn't get too bored.

See, I�m out of stuff to say. There are some things from the past I could write about, but I don't want to. Feel free to ask me questions to answer. A few people have been doing that, seems interesting.

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.