4:07 p.m. | Saturday, May. 31, 2003

conversation and rude awakenings

Last night was gang up on Damodred night apparently. I got about four or five different guys messaging me on Yahoo. It was a strange mix to say the least. One of them was from my city and when I looked at his profile there was a picture of his penis. That shocked me a little bit. He didn't seem to really have anything to say though. Then there was a guy from Egypt who was instructing me about how to behave around men and kept telling me how lonely he was. He couldn't speak English very well either. The last one that I can remember was a disabled man, I think his profile said he was 34, who wanted to talk about sex. He found me through some women's disabled groups I joined (I think some of them have men in as well) and he was asking a bunch of questions about things. I know that people with severe disabilities have a lot of trouble finding someone to be with physically so I thought it was a valid topic to discuss. I suppose it was but when he started asking about masturbation I felt a tiny bit uncomfortable. It's one thing to go on about it to strangers but I wasn't sure exactly what he wanted (a discussing or material for his later enjoyment). In any case it was a strange conversation that I found tiring, possibly because he seemed so needy. Hopefully our next conversation won't be like that.

My cat Salinger decided that 7:30 this morning was a really good time to wake up and started pawing at me and my blankets while whining. When I opened my eyes (this happened several times) he would give me this look like, oh good you're awake, and now that you are here is my list of demands. At one point I could reach him so I gave him a bit of a smack. That of course did not help at all. Just when I think I want more pets I realize that I really don't.

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.