3:59 p.m. | Friday, Aug. 08, 2003


We have goldfish in a pond outside. Mom thought they had been laying eggs because there was random foam in the pond. She took the foam and put it in another container so the fish wouldn't eat it. We all thought she was slightly crazy, but now we have hundreds of tiny little fishies in a container. Mom was right, that is so amazing. It'll be interesting to see what kind they are (which of the fish laid eggs) and maybe the pet store will want to buy them.

We are having trouble getting social services to pay for respirator hoses and tubes. They tend to be rather expensive like everything else medical and my parents can't afford to pay for them (and shouldn't have to since I am on social assistance). She is telling people that if I were in Parkridge or the hospital they wouldn't be expected to pay because I'd be living in a government paid for place. She mildly threatened to move me back to one of those places. I hope she is not serious about it. Well she couldn't be if I'm going to be attending school in the fall.

Still no word on my grant information. I called the services for students with disabilities office and the person who would talk to me is on holidays so I have to wait until next week to get an answer. More waiting, yippee.

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.