12:54 p.m. | Sunday, Oct. 12, 2003

crazy cat lady

I always check the link on my profile "people that list you as their favorites" not to see if anyone has added me, but to see how many people have deleted me. I'm not really concerned that people are (I assume because I wasn't writing very much), just curious.

I have very weird dreams about very weird things. Last night it was kittens and bunnies and children. Obviously I liked the animals the best. Children tend to maul animals and I tend to despise them for that.

My room is now cleaned and re-arranged. I rather like the way it is now. I just have to get through all the home health aids exclaiming about the difference. People I don't like or at the least wouldn't choose to be in my house are always talking about me, my family and my things.

The home health aid was late today because she got lost. I didn't care that she was late because I was able to sleep in then. What bugs me is that if something happens to them I end up talking about it and becoming the person of patience and sympathy. This isn't bad, but I'm not their friend and they aren't the people I would choose to be this person with. Yes, watch me complain.

My kitty is passed out on top of my printer. Since Darwin left he pays much more attention to me and my routine. I think we make a good pair. It's Salinger and me against the world or something. I'm going to become a crazy cat lady, I just know it.

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.