3:47 p.m. | Friday, Oct. 24, 2003

pic in this one

So, I haven't written again for some time. I tend to do this is spurts or something. I have to wait for inspiration. Right now I'm very tired. It has been a long week. Tomorrow is movie day with Morrison. I downloaded Kill Bill from the internet so hopefully it won't be in too horrible condition. I watched the first couple mintues and it didn't look awful. Downloading movies is alot more difficult than you might first think.

I have an essay due on Thursday. I think there is someone stalking me to find out which books I want to get from the library and rushing over to get them before I do. I have reserved one at the public library and my sister is picking me up two more from the university library. Hopefully I'll be set after that and can get down to writing the thing. I asked for an extension from the prof just in case I had trouble completing it on time and she said no problem. That takes some of the stress out of it for me.

My cat now loves to sleep on a box on top of my printer. He spends hours there during the day. It's very cute. You can see a pic of the cuteness here.

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.