12:01 p.m. | Tuesday, Dec. 16, 2003

long entry, wowzers

The movie Thirteen Ghosts is not very good, which I knew before I watched it. I just wanted a good look at the weird house in it. Unfortunately they don't really give you a good look at the house and so it wasn't worth watching really. Plus I would have liked to know more about the ghosts before they died. How did they get the way they were... I'm always interested in that sort of thing.

I am taking Darwin (the cat) back from Morrison after Christmas because he is starting a job that requires him to be away from home quite a lot. My mother flatly refused to have him back in the house(That was a huge arguement, which ended in me saying "Fuck off" to her. That was a really bad move on my part.), but my dad and my sister agree that he should be coming back here. So, we all know that Darwin will be here, but she does not. I am hoping to convince my dad to tell her; I don't want to be the one to do it.

My dad will be home half time after Christmas as well. One week on the road and one week off. He wants to take some accounting/bookkeeping classes in January and hopefully start up his own business doing the books for small businesses. There was a woman that was going to move and give her clients to my dad in this sort of business but she sort of stopped calling him back about it so he is going to try it on his own. I really hope that he does very well. He enjoys this kind of work and it would mean that he is home instead of on the road. We would all love to have him around more.

I have all my Christmas shopping done, yay! I just have to start wrapping. I can't believe that Christmas is actually next week. Things have gone by far too fast. When I was a kid December just crawled by, and I always kind of enjoyed that because the anticipation is the best part. Being busy with other things besides the holidays, and time zipping by makes it harder to get into the spirit of things, or feel that the big day of presents is coming closer. I suppose the fact that I don't really have any friends that really get into it (only one friend locally makes this hard) and that I don't go to any Christmas parties and the like make it harder I guess. We are having all my dad's family over on the 21st, and that is this weekend. It feels like it should be a couple weeks away still. I am looking forward to all the great food and being with people and giving out presents. Ok, ok, yes I'm also totally looking forward to getting them. I LOVE presents. I'm like a little kid when it comes to packages and gifts that are for me.

I have a new shrink, which I'm going to meet in about an hour or so. I have to get ready to in fact. Hopefully I like her. I hate changing therapists. It's a huge pain in the ass.

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