2:04 p.m. | Wednesday, Sept. 29, 2004

time of death

So I was reading this book, and in it a situation came up where this woman (well she's a werewolf, and so there is a chance that she would go crazy, become half person half wolf and need to be killed. following me so far?) asked a man she was close to (it is hard to tell what sort of relationship it is) that if the worst happened would he be the one to kill her. He said yes and she said "Promise?" The fantastical situation aside, I found it very touching and it reminded me that if things go for the worst with me... that I might want to die with dignity. I know that if I asked, my sister and her boyfriend would help me take the pills necessary... I was also thinking that it might be nice to say goodbye to alot of people first and even have them there. How do you ask people to come to be with you at your death? I know that most people would not be in favour of the idea and that the views on euthanasia are very controversial. Not to mention that I wouldn't want to put anyone in a position to get arrested. In any case, because I'm the one who might be in a position to decide this my view is fairly crystallized about the issue. I want to be able to decide if it's time for me to go.

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.