12:46 p.m. | Wednesday, Nov. 03, 2004

fucking stupid americans

"They [Bush administration] happen to be a both domestically and internationally a very extremist group of radical reactionary nationalists. I mean, domestically, they are very publicly committed to dismantling and destroying whatever there is of progressive legislation and social welfare, and so on, the achievements have been won, and they're not zero, by popular struggles over the past century. They want to get rid of them, and they virtually say so. It�s not a secret. Internationally, they are calling for dominating the world by military force." - Noam Chomsky (read the rest of the article here.) How can people vote for a man like that? How can people vote for a man that doesn't care about anything except corporations and power? What in the name of everything we hold dear are people thinking?! I'm truly amazed, but not surprised. It's depressing it really is.

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