8:05 p.m. | 2001-07-29


went to a movie today. the remake of planet of the apes. it wasn't too bad actually. different enough from the older one to be worth watching. however i do think that the old one was better. the person that i was with said that it was the worst tim burton film he had ever seen. visually it was good and the apes were really cool. however, the humans were rather uninteresting. oh well, it wasn't an afternoon wasted.

the person i was with also asked me what would make me happy. i had no idea. what would make me happy? what makes me happy? don't know. pets i guess, but i have none of those now. books make me, well, i guess they make me happy. i'm trying to think of things that aren't material, i mean everyone is temporarily happy when they get a new thing they wanted or a gift or something. that never lasts though. being loved and made to feel special, having someone to love, that would make me happy too i think. i didn't tell him that though. being with friends and having fun makes me happy. though i don't remember the last time i actually did that. blah

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.