9:25 p.m. | Monday, Oct. 07, 2002

i need a new life

So tomorrow I tromp off to the hospital to get a minor outpatient procedure done. Nobody worry there is no reason to. Just thought I�d mention it, as it's one of the few unique events that happen in my life. Also, I hope I get fentnal (sp?) because that is the most awesome drug ever. If I were to buy a drug off the street that would be the one.

In other news nothing is happening. I�m tired of saying the same things about my weekend and my days over and over. I�m bored, I bet you are too.

I called my shrinks office and she is definitely on strike. I bet the light therapy people are too. Damn this strike all to hell. I'm just glad I don't live in an institution.

Did you know that i get at least one google hit a day for "itchy nipples"? It's very bizarre. References to the itchy nipple phenomena can be found here and here. I still think it would make a good band name.

Book: A House Like a Lotus Madeleine L'Engle

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.